A Shocking news came from North Korea, a communism country in eastern Asia. Quoted from the Associated Press, reported that the North Korean government will make a tablet pc, just like many tablets on the market. North Korea is currently entered in one of the lagging categories. With a monarchical system of government based on communist ideology, North Korea people mostly live in poverty. The news that the North Korean government will make the tablet is indicated from an exhibition that took place in the North Korean capital Pyongyang. The exhibition presents a product from Chosun Computer.
In their product presentation, Chosan Computer displays an about 9 to10 inches tablet gadget. The tablet pc was named Samjiyon. From the name taken, it appears that the product is the named with the Korean language. The displayed tablet seems to make us shocked. Because the tablet is not designed to have a internet connection. Especially with the fact that in the state of North Korea, Internet users only certain circles with the number of users is limited to about 605 in 2011.
Some people don't seem convinced that the North Koreans themselves who will manufacture the tablet. With a reason that North Korea doesn't have the adequate technology to produce a tablet. It is estimated that the North Korean government will cooperate with one tablet company in South Korea to manufacture the tablet. South Korea itself is a neighboring country with North Korea. South Korea is the base of the famous tablet pc producer in the world. Some of them are Samsung and LG.
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